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About Moorten's - Moorten Botanical Garden
Moorten Botanical Garden possesses an equally colorful history. It was created by Clark’s parents, Chester “Cactus Slim” Moorten and his wife, Patricia.
Palm Springs Nursery - Moorten Botanical Garden
All of our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our various plant species in our Palm Springs nursery!
Contact - Moorten Botanical Garden
Contact Moorten Botanical Garden to book your next event or romantic wedding in our lush and truly unique space.
Weekly on Mondays - Moorten Botanical Garden
Weekly on Mondays Share this event Name* Moorten Botanical Garden and Cactarium in Palm Springs, California
Terms Of Use - Moorten Botanical Garden
Terms Of Use Terms of Use 1. Acceptance of terms of use and amendments Each time you use or cause access to this web site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of use, as amended from time to time wit...
Slides Archive - Moorten Botanical Garden
Free! — Children Under 5