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Intervalic — Morph Acoustic
Intervalic is an interval-based melody generator with a focus on creating sequences that sound like a musician riffing • Unique note sequencer based on musical intervals • Capable of ever-evol...
Random Subdivider — Morph Acoustic
Random Subdivider is a time signature-based trigger sequencer that produces complex patterns ranging from musical to experimental • Rhythmic powerhouse • Built in random source for added chaos...
Audio and Video Clips — Morph Acoustic
Intervalic sequencer video #1. In this video, we explore the basic functionality and rift creation techniques of the intervalic sequencer. Intervalic Video #2 In this video, we dove deeper into t...
Shop — Morph Acoustic
INVENTORY UPDATE We are currently waiting for new batches of INTERVALIC SEQUENCER, RANDOM SUBDIVIDER, ADDITIVE TRANSPOSER (NEW***). However, due to recent delays, we have limited inventory. We can al...
Intervalic Manual — Morph Acoustic
INTERVAL KNOB When a trigger is received this knob determines the interval the sequence advances. When completely counter-clockwise, the interval is zero and you won’t hear more than one note. SEQUEN...
Updates — Morph Acoustic
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