Home | motomichi
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About | motomichi
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Motomichi Nakamura, Japanese born and graduate from Parsons School of Design in New York, is an award-winning Projection Artist and Animator based in Croton On Hudson, NY.
His work is kno...
Tattoo Project | motomichi
Interested in participating in my tattoo project? Basically, you tattoo my work and I will send you the original artwork so that you really OWN it! Shoot me an email at motomichinyc@gma...
Shop | motomichi
Moleman | motomichi
About: Plush Sculpture commissioned by
*I worked with a company in Centro de Quito, Ecuador, which makes souvenir plush toys of animals from Galapagos Islands. Working directly with the staff was s...
True Giant | motomichi
About: 2D animation commissioned by Animate Projects made for Channel 4
Screenings:Tate St Ives, Channel 4, Uppsala International Short Film Festival, HAFF
Film synopsis: When a whale hunting ship f...