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Motown H.O.G. – Harley Owners Group Motorcycle Chapter – Taylor, Michigan
Motown H.O.G. Motorcycle Chapter #4375 located in Taylor, Michigan, sponsored by Motown Harley-Davidson.
About Us | Motown Chapter #4375 | Taylor Michigan | H.O.G.
Motown Chapter #4375 Welcome to the Motown Chapter of Harley Owners Group. We are sponsored by Motown Harley-Davidson® in Taylor Michigan. Site membership is limited to current members. If you ...
Galleries | Motown Chapter #4375 | Taylor Michigan | H.O.G.
Regular Chapter Meetings Motown HOG Chapter Meetings are held at 7:00PM on the second Monday of every month, except for December and January. We hold these Meetings at The American Legion Post 200 l...
Harley Owners Group | Motown Chapter #4375 | Taylor Michigan | H.O.G.
Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.)® H.O.G. is the official riding club of Harley-Davidson over one-million members strong, with more than 1400 chapters around the world. H.O.G. is an organization founde...
Welcome to our new website! | Motown Chapter #4375 | Taylor Michigan | H.O.G.
Add an "Emergency Contact" Opt-in to our Text Messages Activating your account is your ticket to the Members Only content. Once you activate your account, you can access our Newsletters, RSVP...
- Event Calendar | Motown Chapter #4375 | Taylor Michigan | H.O.G.