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Kobe steak restaurant MOURIYA
We strive daily to uphold a principle to serve through “Sensitivity, Mindfulness, Consideration” and provide meat of the finest quality in order to bring joy to our customers’ heart and deliver a re...
MENU | Kobe steak restaurant MOURIYA
The Sirloin has the best taste and flavor. The marbling is vivid, and when heat is applied using the steel plate, the high-quality fat is saturated into the red meat, delivering a taste and flavor whi...
MOURIYA GION | Kobe steak restaurant MOURIYA
CONCEPT Leaving Kobe for the first time and opening a restaurant in Kyoto Gion, we have paid extra attention to everything from the interior to the tableware, in order to insure that we serve our cu...
ROYAL MOURIYA | 神戸牛ステーキレストラン モーリヤ
in a luxurious atmosphere, complete with private rooms CONCEPT Designed to be more lavishing than the previous restaurants. It has three private rooms with hot plates put before your eyes. The priv...
MOURIYA SANNOMIYATEN | 神戸牛ステーキレストラン モーリヤ
in a spacious interior that seats 40 CONCEPT and customers can have the steaks grilled right before their eyes. We strive daily to provide our customers with the utmost experience based on the conce...
MOURIYA HONTEN | 神戸牛ステーキレストラン モーリヤ
with Kobe beef at the main restaurant and has accumulated over 140 years of experience. We pride ourselves in the quality of our meat. To protect the trust we have accumulated over the years, we take...