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Our Services -
At MRSN, we help asylum seekers and refugees get the basic support they need to live with dignity. We strive to help them build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK. Our aims are: To support ref...
About -
Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN) is a grass-roots organisation directly managed by refugee communities in Manchester. For over 24 years, we have been providing practical support to those flee...
Travel Documents Assistance -
Book an appointment for travel document assistance here Book an appointment Before applying for a Travel Document: This service is provided for individuals with refugee status only. Before your meetin...
Refugee Integration Service -
RIS is a provision especially for people who in the last 9 months have been granted Humanitarian Protection, Refugee Leave or other Leave to Remain status.
Citizenship Application Information -
At MRSN we can help you apply for a citizenship application. However before attending our drop in session to start your application, please read the following information. What do you need to know bef...
Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN) | Staff & Volunteers
Do you want to impact lives? We want you to volunteer with MRSN TODAY! A small part of your life, can have a big impact on the lives of many.