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MULTICELLGENOME LAB - A research group unraveling the origins of animal multicellularity
The origin of animals
Genomes — Multicellgenome Lab
Ministeria vibrans
Team — Multicellgenome Lab
Juan Trinidad (2023). Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Núria Ros i Rocher (2014-2022). PhD and postdoc. Currently postdoc at Thibaut Brunet lab in the Institute Pasteur in Paris (France). Danie...
Model organisms — Multicellgenome Lab
Capsaspora owczarzaki (Filasterea). Capsaspora was a hidden gem that is becoming a more and more known. Its genome encodes several genes previously thought to be animal. It is easy to grow. It develop...
General 4 — Multicellgenome Lab
Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, Paul E. Grini, and Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi (2018) Unicellular Origin of the Animal MicroRNA Machinery. Sina M. Adl, David Bass, Christopher E. Lane, Julius Lukeš, Conrad L. Schoch,...
Funding — Multicellgenome Lab
Project number: PID2020-120609GB-I00 Project: “Exploring the evolutionary origins of size regulation and cell differentiation in premetazoan multicellularity” PI: Koryu Kin Duration: 30/09/2020-29/09/...