Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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My Cumbria A to Z | MyCumbria
A site map for My.Cumbria. Please also consider using the Site Search (at the top of every page) to locate the content you need.
Your Modules | MyCumbria
Module Registration This is the mechanism by which the modules you will be studying are attached to your Student Record. Once the modules are attached you will be able to view your module profile in I...
Blackboard | MyCumbria
Module Information You will find within this section key information relating to this module. These include a module description, an overview of the topics to be covered and timetable information, tog...
Registration | MyCumbria
September 2023 Registration Students are not required to register face-to-face. Instead, you can register online from the comfort of your own home. Get started at the University of Cumbria by formally...
New Students | MyCumbria
Welcome Welcome to the University of Cumbria. On this page, you’ll find all the information and links you need to help you settle in at university in your first couple of weeks. Don’t feel that you n...
Student Hub | MyCumbria
Hover over a tile, and click the "waffle": Use the "eye" to hide a tile (some tiles can't be hidden) Change colours - hover over the tile, click the "cog" and select a new palette colour or make up yo...