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Clarion Housing Association
All you need to know about your Clarion home, plus check your rent and service charges, request repairs, share your views and get involved in your community.
Clarion online account guide | My home | Clarion Housing
See how to manage your home, make payments, request repairs and get in touch with us, all through your Clarion online account.
Understanding your service charges| My home | Clarion Housing
Find out all you need to know about the service charges for your home or building. From fixed and variable service charges to information about rent reviews.
Payments, rents and charges | My home | Clarion Housing
See how to pay your rent and service charges, learn how to set up a direct debit, and discover how we can help if you’re having problems paying.
Ways to pay | Clarion Housing
See all the ways you can pay your rent and service charges. Get help setting up a direct debit or use your Clarion online account to pay quickly online.
Affordable and private housing | Find a home | Clarion Housing
Find out about our range of homes to rent, including our homes for key workers, working households and families.