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mycrazyhotmesslife – mycrazyhotmesslife
Read all of the posts by mycrazyhotmesslife on mycrazyhotmesslife
mycrazyhotmesslife – Page 3 – My journey through life and hell!
My journey through life and hell!
Dealing with it! – mycrazyhotmesslife
The last time I bothered to write was March 31st! It didn't feel that long ago but here I am now. I just "lost my way" a little. You see I'm still stuck at home trying my best to push myself more each...
Love, Chaos, thoughtful friends and Hope – mycrazyhotmesslife
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mycrazyhotmesslife – Page 2 – My journey through life and hell!
As I go into my 4th week here at the rehab/hospital spinal unit I’m literally fed up. I feel sick a lot of the time (and no its not all the chocolates and sweets I’ve been given)! I’m wondering if I’m...
Empowerment, positivity and Hope – mycrazyhotmesslife
So after spending the last few months either in hospitals around the country or recuperating at home I've let things go. When I say I - I also blame my lovely friends and family who have provided me w...