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Eczema - My Itchy Child
Eczema Care This page is a compilation of articles about eczema including causes, how to care for eczema and how to bathe your child. I also talk about the best topical products (including sunscreen, ...
How To Do An Elimination Diet For Eczema - My Itchy Child
This article explains how to do an elimination diet for eczema. It's important to do it under a medical professional 's guidance.
Probiotics for Eczema in Babies - My Itchy Child - Help for Eczema
Is there a good source of probiotics for eczema in babies? Does it even help? Learn more about how probiotics can help and what you can do for your baby.
Foods To Avoid With Eczema In Toddlers - My Itchy Child
Do you know what foods to avoid with eczema in toddlers? Come find out how to prevent food triggers for your child's eczema.
Best Milk For Eczema Sufferers - My Itchy Child - Eczema Hacks
There are many milk options, but do you know what the best milk for eczema sufferers are? Find out alternatives to cow milk?
About Me - My Itchy Child
Why did I start this blog? My name is Jamie and I am a mom to 3 wonderful children with eczema. I am also a Dermatology Physician Assistant (PA) in the United States. I diagnose, prescribe medications...