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My Superfluities: 2019
What Do I Have in Overabundance Right Now?
My Superfluities: About Me!
Basics: Name: Dina Gideon. ( That is my maiden name, but I use it for all internet profiles. ) Where: Northern Virginia. Been here s...
My Superfluities: Blogs I Love!
Source Hi, all! This is a ( long ) list of blogs I love. :) I am constantly looking for new blogs to love and to add to this list, so...
My Superfluities: Boden Reviews!
Have a Boden Review? This page will be a place to post any reviews you have for me to publish or you have written (if you have a blog) th...
My Superfluities: April 2016
Hi, all! Happy early Tuesday. For once Boden decided to throw a sale starting on a Monday. I seem to only ever have time to computer work done on Mondays, and the last few sales/new arrivals came o...
My Superfluities: 2013
Hello and happy Saturday to everyone. :-) As you are well aware by now, the Boden end of season sale has started and has even managed to have second cuts already, so I am not going to spend much tim...