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Home - NAPA
We support care teams to enable people to live life the way they choose, with life, love and laughther.
Free Resources - NAPA
Free Resources Hear more from our Wellbeing Support Manager , Natalie Ravenscroft ‘ So many lovely creative ideas and very user-friendly. Would have thought any AC (and managers and care staff) wo...
About Us - NAPA
About Us We value: + The uniqueness of every person and their right to a meaningful conversation every day + The right to person- centred meaningful engagement with choice and control over how they sp...
Membership - NAPA
Membership Why join NAPA? Member benefits: FREE training Managers eLearning course- free activity training for managers Free qualifications- this applies to large groups (terms and conditions apply)...
NAPA Induction Course - NAPA
Steve Reynolds Steve was appointed Chair of NAPA in 2012 after retiring from a career in the care sector, mostly with older people. His last job was as a Director for 13 years with Methodist Homes ...
News - NAPA
News Can your care home transform Tasties teatime biscuits into customised classics?