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Welcome to the New North American Traffic and Awards Net website! Your browser will be re-directed shortly!
The Basics - North American Traffic & Awards Net
Welcome to the North American Traffic and Awards Net! We’re glad you found us and welcome you to our net. Here are some basic FAQs for newcomers which we hope […]
NATA - 15 Years and Going Strong!! - North American Traffic & Awards Net
North American Traffic and Awards - The ORIGINAL WAS and DX awards net!
North American Traffic and Award
North American Traffic and Awards Net NET PREAMBLE NOTE: NCS may paraphrase or adjust the following as circumstances warrant! NET CONTROL SHOULD OPEN THE NET AS EARLY AS PRACTICAL BUT NOT BEFORE...
NATA Board of Directors - North American Traffic & Awards Net
The Board of Directors of the North American Traffic and Awards Net consists of persons who have a long history with the net, in most cases since it’s founding. The […]
Net Control Stations - North American Traffic & Awards Net
Our current list of approved NCS stations includes the following operators: WA0O, Joe (MO) KU0G, Jim (MO) K0JSC, Jeff (CO) K1DDN, Amanda (CO) W1PEF, Paul (NH) KC1YL, Lisa (FL) KC1QIA, […]