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National A Plus Schools - Schools
SCHOOLS SCHOOLS Every type of school is represented (public, private, charter, rural, urban, suburban) from birth to preK, through high school. The network expands every year as new schools are t...
National A Plus Schools - About
WHO WE ARE Role of the National A+ Schools Consortium (NASC) 1. Maintain the integrity of the A+ Schools while valuing the unique character of each state’s implementation of the model; 2. Facilitate ...
IMPACT | nationalaplusschools
Impact of A+ Schools
National A Plus Schools - A Plus Essentials
A+ ESSENTIALS The A+ Essentials™guide individual schools’ and statewide networks’ development. Members present the A+ Essentials™ as the core areas of work necessary for a successful A+ network. bott...
National A Plus Schools - History
HISTORY HISTORY A+ Schools began in North Carolina, where it has successfully used the arts as a catalyst for transforming schools since 1995. Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana adopted the A+ model i...
National A Plus Schools - About
ABOUT A+ SCHOOLS The National A+ Schools Consortium encompasses 4 statewide networks including North Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Through the A+ model, these 4 states continue to succ...