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About the Coalition | National Mall Coalition
Learn about the National Mall Coalition, a nonprofit founded in 2000 that works to protect and enhance the integrity of the National Mall.
Legacy of the National Mall | National Mall Coalition
The National Mall in Washington, DC, is the legacy of two brilliant visionary plans: the 1791 L’Enfant Plan and the 1901-1902 McMillan Commission Plan.
National Mall History | National Mall Coalition
National Mall History The National Mall in Washington, D.C. — the 2-mile-long expanse of open space extending from the U.S. Capitol to the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, and from the Wh...
Infrastructure Upgrades can be a Turning Point for the National Mall | National Mall Coalition
On June 24th, the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts reviewed the Smithsonian Institution’s much-reduced plan for its museum buildings on the south side of the National Mall.
Who We Are | National Mall Coalition
The National Mall Coalition was founded in 2000 by a group of architects, historians, preservationists, educators, and concerned citizens seeking to provide, in the face of fragmented government man...
National Mall Infrastructure Upgrades, Tribute to Charles I. Cassell and Mall Security | National
The fencing put up around the Capitol Building after January 6th has been taken down. But the images of the People’s House behind barricades remains a terrible memory.