Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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About - nBold
About nBold - the collaboration technology in Microsoft Teams that helps organizations support large-scale collaboration through Templates, governance, and integrations.
Sensitivity Labels: What, Why and How - nBold
Learn how to classify and protect your organization's data shared within Microsoft Teams through sensitivity labels.
Integrations - nBold
Connect your everyday apps with Collaboration Templates and perform your unique collaboration solution.
Demo Center - nBold
Explore the nBold Platform that enhances your collaboration at scale with Collaboration Templates, Collaboration Governance, and 3rd party app integration
Pricing - nBold
Explore nBold Platform and Choose the Best Plan according to your business needs. Choose between nBold Pro and nBold CRM and improve your collaboration.
Resource Center - nBold
Get Access to tones of usefull information around Collaboration Efficiency, Microsoft Teams usage, and much more