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Agency | Nebraska Crime Commission
The Governor's Crime Control Commission was created in 1967 by Executive Order. The name was later changed to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice with legislation enacted i...
LB 1241 Overview | Nebraska Crime Commission
LB 1241 Overview LB 1241 was passed by the 2022 Nebraska legislature. Governor Ricketts signed the bill April 21, 2022 with an emergency clause, making it effective immediately. The Police Standards A...
Rules and Regulations | Nebraska Crime Commission
Rules and regulations for law enforcement/criminal justice are provided by the Nebraska Secretary of State. Here are the links to each chapter of Title 79. (Chapter 8 was updated and took affect 3/16/...
Data and Reports | Nebraska Crime Commission
An arrest is counted each time a person is taken into custody or issued a citation or summons. In the case of a juvenile (defined as under the age of 18) an arrest is counted when they are merely wa...
Frequently Asked Questions | Nebraska Crime Commission
Question: I am looking for a person that is currently in jail or in custody in your state. How can I find them? Answer: Nebraska Victims of Crime Alert Portal (NEVCAP) provides online searching capa...
Standards and Training Updates | Nebraska Crime Commission
LB 51 Overview The passage of LB 51 in 2021 created a number of changes affecting the operations of law enforcement. Provided is the statutory references for the changes. More detailed information is ...