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Home - NDISP - SDA Property
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Provider. Happy Homes for People with Disabilities.
About Us - NDISP
Our Mission The mission of NDISP is to ensure SDA tenants are provided with the freedom to choose from a range of high quality, highly desirable properties. We believe that having a home that is both ...
SDA Property For Rental - Specialst Disability Accommodation - NDISP
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Property for Rent. Outstanding New Houses, Units and Townhouses for Rent by People with SDA in their NDIS Plan
For Participants - NDISP
NDISP Information for Participants Platinum Plus Inclusions All NDSIP properties are built to exceed the LHA Platinum Build Standard. Smart Home Automations Independence and Freedom to Control your...
New SDA Price Guide (Arrangements)2022-2023 - 6.26% Increase - NDISP
Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing Arrangements 2022 The NDIA has released the new SDA Pricing Arrangements SDA Pricing Increase 6.255 percent SDA increases in line with CPI each year and th...
Medium Term Accommodation - Operational Guidelines - NDISP
The NDIS Operational Guidelines for Medium Term Accomodation. NDISP provides a significant amount of MTA property as well as SDA property.