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New England Backgammon Club – Boston Backgammon is alive and well
Boston Backgammon is alive and well
Playing Online – New England Backgammon Club
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Learning Online – New England Backgammon Club
A Guide to Playing in ABT Tournaments Tournaments on the American Backgammon Tour (ABT) can be great fun — a veritable bonanza of backgammon activity, where you are a seasoned expert or a wide-eyed no...
Backgammon Software – New England Backgammon Club
Backgammon Software Backgammon software employing neural net techniques have revolutionized both the practice and study of backgammon, as they have proven stronger than their human oppo...
Backgammon Taskmaster – New England Backgammon Club
Backgammon Taskmaster is a personal project by Albert Steg, an NEBC organizer. A freelance FIlemaker Pro developer, Albert designed a quizzing database for the iPad so that he could review and practi...
Backgammon in Print – New England Backgammon Club
Backgammon in Print Print media from years gone by provide a rich history of how backgammon has been played, promoted, and enjoyed over time. These materials can also reveal the biases ...