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Schedules :Needham Soccer Club
The Needham Soccer Club provides to the youth of Needham multi-faceted soccer programs that are age and skill appropriate and support physical and social development.
All Spring 2023 Practice / Game Schedules LIVE! :Needham Soccer Club
You will need to know you team name, to access your schedules. Missed your team placement? Schedules On the DRIVN Mobile App NSCJA (1st/2nd Grade) Teams/Coaches – Games will automatically show up on...
Schedules / Fields :Needham Soccer Club
TOPSoccer :Needham Soccer Club
Mark Miskin
NSC Winter At Home :Needham Soccer Club
Welcome to NSC At Home! Our virtual training platform was created as a response to COVID and the cancelled Spring 2020 season as a way to offer access to FREE online content and live sessions you c...
History :Needham Soccer Club
History In January of 1967 three fathers of Needham Dick Fischer, Hart Swaffield and Chuck Winans got together and created the Needham Junior Soccer Association. At that time they informed Alden Eber...