Rec.humor.funny jokes and comedy
Rec.humor.funny jokes and comedy
Welcome to
rec.humor.funny, the net's oldest
and most popular comedy publication and newsgroup. It's also the net's oldest blog.
This home page features descripti...
Best of RHF: Usenet and Internet Comedy
Best of RHF: Usenet and Internet Comedy
Best of RHF: Usenet and Internet Comedy
This page contains direct links to the best jokes from the early years
of rec.humor.funny. Enjoy them, but
don't rea...
Let's make like ..... [rec.humor.funny]
...make like a shepherd and get the flock outta here.
...make like a bird and flock off
...make like horse sh!t and hit the trail.
...make like a banana and split.
...make like a missile and cruis...
101 Ways to be Obnoxious on Usenet [rec.humor.funny]
by Alan Meiss, ameiss@indiana.edu
Note to the profoundly impaired: this list is intended as humor, and
consists mostly of things that you should NOT do. NOT NOT NOT do. Once
more, slowly, d-o-n-'...
FULL DECK LIST [rec.humor.funny]
(rec_humor_cull, long, smirk)
[ In rec.humor.unfunny, they had a contest to collect all the phrases for
saying, "he's not playing with a full deck." Here is the collection. ]
0K memory
1 cylind...
The Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo [rec.humor.funny]
by Richard Aronson (aronson@sierratel.com)
...In the early seventies, Ed Whitchurch ran "his game," and one
of the participants was Eric Sorenson. Eric plays something like a
computer. When he ga...