Academics |
Choose from a wide range of depth
Combined with the fundamentals of Engineering, Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Social Sciences & Humanities,you will choose one of the following five major areas of e...
Planning your degree: a nets overview |
Planning your degree: a nets overview
To earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Penn, you’ll draw upon the physical, economic, computer and social sciences, as well as mathematics and engineer...
How to Apply |
Admission into NETS is a two-step process: in order to be admitted into the Networks & Social Systems Engineering program, you must be accepted by both the University of Pennsylvania and NETS.
If ...
About Us |
NETS in a Nutshell
For the average mind, questions like how Facebook recommends friends or how Google fills in search terms are a shrug between one tab and the next. But it’s an extraordinary mind...
NETS Curriculum |
Depth Area C: Networked & Cloud Services
CIS courses, 3000 or above, on algorithms, data management, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, software and distributed systems, network...
How to Apply |
How to Apply
Admission into NETS is a two-step process: in order to be admitted into the Networks & Social Systems Engineering program, you must be accepted by both the University of Pennsylvania and ...