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Cochrane Neuromuscular | Cochrane Neuromuscular
Background Cochrane Neuromuscular was registered as a Cochrane Review Group in March 1998. Since September 2008 the group has been based in the Queen Square Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases within th...
Our news | Cochrane Neuromuscular
Central Editorial ServiceCochrane has embarked on an important change programme to transform the way we produce high-quality, independent and timely evidence. The new model is designed to ensure Cochr...
More about us | Cochrane Neuromuscular
This Cochrane Group is no longer active Due to changes in NIHR funding in evidence synthesis, this Cochrane Group is no longer active. We are so grateful for the work of our contributors. If you would...
New and updated reviews 2020-2021 | Cochrane Neuromuscular
New and updated Cochrane neuromuscular systematic reviews in the last 12 months
Cochrane | Cochrane Neuromuscular
Cochrane Cochrane is an international not-for-profit and independent organisation, dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare readily available worldwide. It ...
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