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Neurons in Action, Version 2 — Overview For Instructors
Neurons in Action is a set of interactive tutorials on CD-ROM that use the professional simulator NEURON to make the subject of neurophysiology accessible and engaging to students.
Neurons in Action, Version 2 — For Lecture
Using NIA "live" in lecture The graphs of the NIA tutorials may be used "live" in lecture. We have found it especially engaging to present a moving graph, change a parameter, ask what the class thinks...
Neurons in Action, Version 2 — Experimenting
Neurons in Action provides realistic, interactive simulations, not previously prepared animations. This set of simulations also introduces the student or investigator to the power of the professional...
Neurons in Action, Version 2 — Synaptic Integration (Sample Tutorial)
Sample Tutorial 4: The Synaptic Integration Tutorial In this advanced tutorial the user explores how postsynaptic potentials spread from dendrites into a motoneuron's soma and subsequently initiate a...
Neurons in Action, Version 2 — For Medical School Instructors
Medical students: Here we highlight aspects of NIA2 that might engage medical students. When time is limited for presenting basic neuronal properties, minimovies of basic neuronal properties may be i...
Neurons in Action, Version 2 — Guides and Installation