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Newbieplinker | A man with a midlife crisis….and an air gun.
A man with a midlife crisis....and an air gun.
About | Newbieplinker
This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily a...
SMK Black dome 0.177 | Newbieplinker
Posts about SMK Black dome 0.177 written by newbiehunter
Newbieplinker | A man with a midlife crisis….and an air gun. | Page 2
It’s 8am, I fell in bed at 4:30am this morning after a 10 hour shift with Bigmac at the farm last night, so please excuse me if the order of events is a little mixed up, I’m drinking redbull for break...
H&N FTT | Newbieplinker
Posts about H&N FTT written by newbiehunter
Newbieplinker | A man with a midlife crisis….and an air gun. | Page 3
Lush sunny day, my pump is working, the neighbours are away someplace, the kids are at school, wife shopping, what ELSE am I supposed to do but shoot? Back with the HW100, fully charged to 200bar, tim...