Main page
Московская школа нового кино ставит своей целью выпустить для киноиндустрии режиссеров, сценаристов, операторов, актеров, владеющих навыками и знаниями, которые требует современное кино.
It teaches not only the craft, it teaches «sight». The Moscow School
of New Cinema aims to release for the film industry directors, screenwriters, cameramen, actors, knowledge and skills ...
In the Moscow School of New Cinema there are four main directions of studying: Directing, Cinematography, Screenwriting, Actor training. Studying is conducted in the evening, 7 days a week.
Video Art Laboratory of Victor Alimpiev
Assignments for admission:
not more than two pages
Description of the event or incident that affected the ap...
Subjects and courses
Subjects and courses
Directing skills
Directing of the feature and documentary films, the series, television formats. The craft is taught by leading Russian fi...
Laboratory of Directing
Laboratory of Directing
New international program for the 2018/2019 school year.
In the first semester, there will be 4 week workshops
of Fred Kelemen, Isabel Stever, ...