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Statement of Faith – New Covenant UCC
UCC STATEMENT OF FAITH (Adopted in 1959) Revised in 1981:We believe in you, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior Jesus Christ and our God, and to your deeds we testify:You call the worlds into …
Discipleship – New Covenant UCC
COST AND JOY OF DISCIPLESHIP: “God has called us into God’s church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship.” These words are firmly stated every time we say our United Church of Chri…
About Us – New Covenant UCC
We are an Open and Affirming congregation and believe that all people are created in the image of God without regard to age, disability, gender (including identity and expression), race/ethnicity, …
Worship & Education – New Covenant UCC
In-person worship services have resumed. Utilizing the honor system, masking is optional for fully vaccinated individuals. We also continue to offer our worship services virtually. Worship services…
Worship on facebook or youtube – New Covenant UCC
We invite you to join us for worship electronically. Our worship services are “Live” each and every Sunday on our facebook page ( To join us for worship ele…
About Us – New Covenant UCC
Welcome! New Covenant is part of the United Church of Christ, a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With more than 5,100 churches…