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NewHope Church - Christian Church in Durham, NC | NewHope Church
Welcome to NewHope Church, a Christian church based out of Durham, NC, dedicated to sharing the Word of God.
Our Team | NewHope Church
At NewHope Church we exist to Reach people with the hope of Jesus, Teach them to follow God’s word, and Release World Changers. We accomplish this by seeking and inspiring excellence within our team, ...
Careers | NewHope Church
Error At NewHope Church we exist to Reach people with the hope of Jesus, Teach them to follow God’s word, and Release World Changers. We accomplish this by seeking and inspiring excellence within our...
New Here? | NewHope Church
At NewHope, you're welcomed into a friendly environment by people who are excited to see you! You'll find a diverse, fun, Christian church community located in Durham, NC that has been sharing hope fo...
NH Groups | NewHope Church
We believe that NH Groups is the front door to community at NewHope Church. Growing in your relationship with Jesus is much more fun when you're surrounded with people who have the same goal. We unde...
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