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Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management - Home
Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management, The University of Alabama
Faculty and Staff - Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management
Visiting Assistant Professor
PhD in Human Nutrition - Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management
PHD in Nutrition
Distance Education - Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management
The Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management offers four degrees via distance learning. Bachelor of Science in HES, Food and Nutrition Master of Science in Human Nutrition For more...
Masters In Human Nutrition - Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management
The Master of Science in Human Nutrition is a 30 credit-hour program designed to prepare nutrition professionals to practice dietetics at an advanced level and/or to pursue doctoral study. The...
program course - Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management
The PhD in Human Nutrition is a three-year, 54 credit hour program designed to align with the goals and objectives of the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing...