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Language + Podcasts | Language +
Podcasts are a great way to improve your listening skills. The key thing is that you find one you really enjoy listening to. Here are ten that I like.
Language + Grammar - Putting it in perspective | Language +
How important is grammar? What are the pitfalls of focussing too strongly on getting the grammar right? How can you improve? Those are 3 of the questions this post looks at.
Language + How's your English coming along? | Language +
When you’re working on improving your English, assessing your progress from time to time is important to help you stay motivated and on track.
Language + Plan to succeed | Language +
Ideas to help you draw up a plan for improving your English. Follow the steps described to make sure you get off to a flying start and establish good habits.
Language + Small talk: Back to basics | Language +
Expressions such as 'How do you do?' or 'Nice to meet you' can cause problems for non-native-speakers. This post looks at the correct use and responses.
Language + Clarity from the very beginning | Language +
Giving a clear framework and agreeing on rules at the beginning of a workshop provides a sense of direction and security. Here are some useful phrases for this phase.