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Nilima Jobs
NILIMA JOBS is a leading player in HR consulting and recruitment. The key to this outstanding success? A pro-active approach which enables us to ..... We help clients with a number of specific m...
Consulting – Nilima Jobs
HOW WE HELP Our global reach, diversity of talent pool and vast experience provide us with a cutting edge to serve our clients more effectively and efficiently. We offer the optimum balance of a globa...
Recruitments – Nilima Jobs
OUR RECRUITMENT SERVICES As a candidate, you can rely on our recruitment services. We have a large database of leading Indian and international employers, plus experienced, friendly and professional c...
About us – Nilima Jobs
INTRODUCTION Since its inception, services of Nilima Jobs has centered on providing the highest quality of diversified HR services while maintaining integrity and empathy to the benefit of all its...
Nilima Jobs – A Start Up Company Success Story – Nilima Jobs
Excerpts from online coverage Ms Nilima’s business is focused and operates on pure executive search principles with services varying from full, bespoke managed agency to retained searches and more....
News – Nilima Jobs
By Nilima| 2017-05-27T08:34:37+00:00 May 18th, 2017|Categories: News|0 Comments Excerpts from online coverage Ms Nilima’s business is focused and operates on pure exec...