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Please read these submission guidelines carefully. We cannot consider submissions that ignore these guidelines We actively encourage and welcome diverse submissions, and would love to see more poetry ...
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News | Nine Arches Press
OF NPO FUNDING AND 2023 POETRY LIST Wide-ranging poetry list showcases debut voices, award-winning authors, timely themes and a new anthology. (Top: l-r Sarala Estruch, L. Kiew, Katie Hale, Rishi Das...
About us | Nine Arches Press
About us Nine Arches Press is committed to creating a welcoming, respectful, inclusive space for all poets, readers and audiences. We are opposed to discrimination of all forms, including racism, tra...
Under the Radar Magazine | Nine Arches Press
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Under the Radar is a magazine of new contemporary writing and is published three times a year by Nine Arches Press. We welcome submissions of new poetry and short fiction to Unde...
Primers | Nine Arches Press
Primers is a biannual mentoring and publication scheme organised by Nine Arches Press, now in its seventh edition. It provides a unique opportunity for talented poets to find publication and receive...