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Software for Spectra Processing – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
We have site licenses for common software for offline processing, and other is available for free. Mnova v14.1.1. from Mestrelab research. A professional way to visualize, process, analyze and report...
WEBSITE – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
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Trainings – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
gDQCOSY – cross-peaks between the frequencies of the protons which couple with each other. TOCSY – cross-peaks between the frequencies of the protons which are in the same coupling network. gHSQC – cr...
Bruker 400 MHz (b400) – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
This instrument is used for quick checking reactions, on walk up, meaning that you don’t reserve it on signup. The samples are run on automation, using iconnmr. You can use this instrument for running...
NMR Probes – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
id3 Varian 5 mm triple resonance indirect detection probe H1/C13/P31-N15. c fid3 Varian 5 mm triple resonance indirect detection probe H1-F19/C13/P31-N15. c id2 Varian 5 mm indirect detection probe H1...
Submitting samples – Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
The height of the solvent in the tube should be at least 40 mm. Write the sample identifier on the tube, with a fine marker. You can buy those at the stockroom. You can erase the writing after, with a...