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Diana Stoleru's Choice of No Ordinary Tunes
<a href=""><img src="" width="160" height="33" border="0" alt="View Diana Stoleru's profile on L...
Diana Stoleru's Choice of No Ordinary Tunes: Delhi to Mumbai
Last time i wrote anything around here,I had stopped the Indian incursion in I better take it from here and move on through the c...
Diana Stoleru's Choice of No Ordinary Tunes: Mumbai to Bangalore
I have one day in Mumbai. To meet a load of people and close a series of negotiations. Mumbai is bustling with life, unlike Delhi. The stree...
Diana Stoleru's Choice of No Ordinary Tunes: Chocolat -- a matter of "taste over matter"
Been to Chocolat recently (the one on Victoriei), perfectly inserted in the scenery of the "cool spot" Bucharest. I have a number of places...
Diana Stoleru's Choice of No Ordinary Tunes: De-am crede mai mult decat ochii
Am un coleg pe care nu-l cunosc. Ne dam cu acelasi metrou in fiecare zi, fiecare la adapostul muzicii din castile sale. Uneori el citeste Cl...
Diana Stoleru's Choice of No Ordinary Tunes: noiembrie 2009
In fiecare an, de sarbatorile de iarna, se strang bani si bunuri pentru oamenii care au nevoie de ele 365 de zile pe an. Acum, insa, ne e mai simplu sa daruim, nu stiu exact de ce. Ceea ce se daruiest...