Автоматизация земснарядов и мониторинг дноуглубления | Нониус Инжиниринг
Нониус Инжиниринг - компания, которая занимается автоматизацией земснарядов и мониторингом дноуглубления. У нас работают инженеры и программисты с большим опытом работы! Ждем ваших заявок!
Dredging and mining automation
Nonius Engineering is a dredging automation company, that was founded in 2008 and is based in St-Petersburg. We can offer a ready-made solution for all types of dredging and mining vessels: from cutte...
About | Nonius Engineering
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3D positioning and monitoring | Nonius Engineering
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Backhoe | Nonius Engineering
The user interface
The user interface may vary depending on the vessel project, sensors, and end user's setups and specific needs. The interface is user-friendly – there are different windows for th...
FleetControl | Nonius Engineering
You'll be able:
— to assess current location of all fleet units or their location at any moment after the work started, as the system tracks their path and displays it on the virtual map.
— to ass...