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Home - North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
North Plains Groundwater Conservation District works with local state & federal agencies to maintain & manage local water resources in the North Plains area
Who We Are | North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
Who We Are: The NPGCD is charged with conserving, protecting & preserving the Ogallala aquifer and other water resources in the northern Texas Panhandle.
News Item Archive - North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
Posted August 28, 2023 In order to better understand aquifer conditions within NPGCD, the district utilizes a net...
Working with the NPGCD - North Plains Groundwater WC
Working to preserve the Ogallala Aquifer. The NPGCD is charged with conserving, protecting & preserving the water resources of the north Texas Panhandle.
Field Services | North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
All field services offered by the NPGCD are provided free to persons within the Conservation District, except some special water quality analyses.
Board Members | North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
North Plains Groundwater Conservation District's Board Members are happy to assist with any enquiries. Call us on: (806) 935-6401