How it works | EpiphanyClinic BC
We don't like labels. Our primary goal is to help our patients understand their condition, what factors affect and what to do about it.
When it comes to treating severe ADHD, y...
Appointments | EpiphanyClinic BC
We ask you to kindly not call or text us to get an appointment, we want to reserve those channels for emergencies.
Cancellation Policy
We understand that things may change or you might not feel w...
How to take ADHD medication
How to take Concerta, Adderall XR, Vyvanse, Foquest, etc.
Anti-depressants | EpiphanyClinic BC
Selective Serotonin Re-uptake inhibitors, SSRIs, increase serotonin neurotransmission, the having a generally soothing effect. They decrease depression, obsession and anxiety, including panic. That ...
ADHD and Addiction | EpiphanyClinic BC
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You can't treat one and not the other.
Decreased perfusion in the pre-frontal cortex
Addiction, like ADHD is marked by decreased dopamine neurotransmission in the circuits that govern cognition...
Treatment | EpiphanyClinic BC
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Healing Chemistry
No one is particularly fond of taking medication. It's not for everyone. However, there are times when nothing else has worked, despite your best effort. That's when it's time...