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North Star Lily Society - About Us
About the North Star Lily Society NSLS was organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, and especially to promote, encourage, and foster the development and impro...
North Star Lily Society - Lily Show
THE NORTH STAR LILY SOCIETY ANNUAL LILY SHOW Land of 10,000 Lilies Bachman's Heritage Room 6010 Lyndale Ave S., Mpls., MN 55419 Saturday, July 15, 1:00 p.m.- 5:...
Division II -- Martagons
Division II -- Martagons Please turn on JavaScript in your browser for a better album experience
North Star Lily Society - Martagons
Martagons Martagons Martagon lilies grow well in sun but they are truly the darlings of the shade garden. In Minnesota they are the first in our parade of lilies, usually in bloom around "Father's Da...
Members' Photos
Members' Photos Please turn on JavaScript in your browser for a better album experience
North Star Lily Society - Lily Bulb Sale Fundraiser
We can still use a few more volunteers for Saturday 8 AM – 11 and 10 AM - 1 PM Please email Peggy Nerdahl if you can volunteer on Saturday April 22 - (talking with customers about lilies and t...