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National Parks Association of the ACT Inc. Bushwalking
About us
About us
NPA Projects
NPA Projects General Meetings Rosenberg's Goanna Project: • (PM Don Fletcher) Two species of goannas (aka monitors, varanids) were once among the most important predators in our region. The Tree Goan...
How we operate
How we operate General Meetings How we operate A Management Committee is responsible for policy and management. It is elected at the Annual General Meeting held in August. Working groups assist the ...
Join us
Join us General Meetings Joining (or renewing with) the NPA ACT New members are always very welcome. The more members we have the louder is our voice supporting our National Parks. Renewals bank trans...
What we do
What we do General Meetings The NPA ACT plays an active role in conservation issues in the ACT. It is regularly consulted by the ACT Government on management and development plans for the Territory's...