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Popular pages
Walk-In Centre | Norwich Health Centre
The walk-in centre is open from 07:00-21:00 for all patients. We are currently triaging all patients attending the walk-in centre. Please do not attend if you have any of the following symptoms or you...
Prescriptions Repeat prescriptions, medication reviews, synchronisation requests and more… | Norwich
Back COVID-19 Do not go to a pharmacy if you, or anyone you live with, has symptoms of coronavirus. If you have symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature or a new, continuous cough), use the 111 cor...
Contact the Practice | Norwich Health Centre
Contact the Practice Please do not use this service for any urgent medical queries as this service is only monitored during practice working hours. Your question will be passed to an appropriate membe...
New Patient Registration | Norwich Health Centre
Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY. Date you returned to the UK: * Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY. Supplementary Questions I am not ordinarily a resident in the UK Ordina...
Appointments Consult a clinician, routine appointments, sick notes and more… | Norwich Health Centre
Back If you are new to contacting us online, please watch our patient information video that explains how to navigate our website to find health advice, how to tell us about your medical problem and d...
Get help for any health problem | Norwich Health Centre
Yes No Do you live with someone who has had a high temperature or a new, continuous cough? If their symptoms started more than 14 days ago, click No. * Yes Please continue to fill o...