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Popular pages
About Us – National Suicide Research Foundation
Who we are The National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) is an independent, multi-disciplinary research unit that investigates suicide and self-harm in Ireland. Watch ‘About Us’ video The NSRF was e...
Reports – National Suicide Research Foundation
Programme Evaluation – National Suicide Research Foundation
Strategic Research Cluster: Programme Evaluation Over nearly two decades, the NSRF has been involved in research addressing evaluations of intervention and prevention programmes relating to self-harm,...
Publications and Outputs – National Suicide Research Foundation
Please find below a selection of resources and publications
Welcome to our new website – National Suicide Research Foundation
Welcome to the brand new National Suicide Research Foundation website and our exciting new blog! Re-design The NSRF team wanted to create a modern web space where we can easily share our suicide and ...
Finding Help – National Suicide Research Foundation
Visit: Suicide Support and Information Developed by the National Suicide Research Foundation and funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) this website provides evidence-based information on bereavem...