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NT Resources - New Testament Resources | with Dr. Wayne Slusser - Established by Dr. Rod Decker
with Dr. Wayne Slusser - Established by Dr. Rod Decker
Current Series | NT Resources - Greek for a Week
Current Series Greek for a Week is a weekly video resource provided for those who want to learn, retain or grow their knowledge of New Testament Greek.” The two- to three-minute videos provide transla...
Resources | NT Resources - Greek for a Week
Resources | NT Resources - Greek for a Week ...
Library | NT Resources - Greek for a Week
A Daily Greek Devotional Two of the greatest needs for students of the Greek New Testament are motivation and daily practice. Students must see the practical difference made by knowing the language as...
Class-Related Resources | NT Resources - Greek for a Week
Recommended Bibliography, Study Questions, Elementary Greek Vocabulary, Intermediate Greek Vocabulary, and more. Supplement/update to ch. 2 (“Off the Shelf and into Yourself: Selecting the Right Tools...
euthus | NT Resources - Greek for a Week
εὐθύς From: “Temporal Deixis of the Greek Verb in the Gospel of Mark with Reference to Verbal Aspect” Th.D. diss., Central Baptist Seminary, Minneapolis, 1998 Rodney J. Decker (See note at the end re....