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- Licensure - Nevada State Board of Optometry
License Requirements - Nevada State Board of Optometry
License Requirements License Requirements The following items are required as part of your application for licensure as a Nevada optometrist. Your application is not considered complete and WILL NOT ...
Fee Schedule - Nevada State Board of Optometry
Fee Schedule Post Office Box 1824 Application for initial Nevada license (license fee pro-rated quarterly) Quarterly Proration Schedule ($75 non-refundable application fee plus $93.75 for each calenda...
Board Policies - Nevada State Board of Optometry
Board Policies (As of October 13, 2020) The Nevada State Board of Optometry adopted these policies to assist in the consistent enforcement of Nevada’s statutes and regulations applicable to the pract...
Two-Year CE Summary For License Renewal - Nevada State Board of Optometry
Two-Year CE Summary For License Renewal I,* ,O.D., Nevada License Number* hereby submit copies of documents reflecting my attendance at or participation in sufficient courses to fulfill the continuing...
Application for Certification of a MOBILE OPTOMETRY CLINIC - Nevada State Board of Optometry
Application for Certification of a MOBILE OPTOMETRY CLINIC pursuant to NRS 636 and NAC 636 Please note: Each clinic must be licensed using this form. An optometrist providing services through the cl...