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Get Started - NeighborWorks Alaska
To start the application process for NeighborhoodLIFT down payment assistance, you will need to make an appointment to assess your eligibility for the program. You should schedule your Eligibility Det...
Rental Application
Application process Residential Housing ApplicationApplications are available at all property rental offices, or you can download the application. Some properties have different applications, so be su...
Services NeighborWorks ® Alaska is dedicated to providing quality, safe, and clean affordable apartment homes in convenient locations all over Anchorage. From well-furnished three-bedroom units to pra...
Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment (CHANGE) Program - NeighborWorks Alaska
Need housing assistance? NeighborWorks Alaska offers grant-funded housing vouchers. The CHANGE Program is an option for those who need an immediate short-term Emergency Shelter with an additional 12 m...
Renting a Home
Renting a Home NeighborWorks ® Alaska is dedicated to providing an affordable, quality, safe living environment for all Alaskans. From well appointed three bedroom units to practical efficiencies, we ...
Programs and Events
Programs and Events Strengthening neighborhoods in our community Our Community Engagement team is dedicated to building a stronger community through developing leadership skills, and providing opportu...