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Patient Appointments & Scheduling | Oakdale ObGyn
At Oakdale ObGyn, you can schedule an appointment online or call 763-587-7000 to see one of our care team at Maple Grove, Blaine, or Plymouth.
Pregnancy Care & Childbirth - Oakdale ObGyn
Oakdale ObGyn offers pregancy & childbirth services and help with infertility, breastfeeding, VBAC, nurse midwives, tests & screenings, and more.
Our Obstetrician / Gynecologists - Oakdale ObGyn
Oakdale ObGyn doctors are committed to caring for women of all ages, teens to grandmothers. We offer a range of services from birth control to childbirth.
For Patients - Oakdale ObGyn
Oakdale ObGyn patients can find answers to FAQ, billing & insurance information, and access important forms and our patient portal.
First OB Appointment - Oakdale ObGyn
Oakdale ObGyn is committed to providing a positive & fulfilling pregnancy experience. Schedule your first OB appointment, call: 763-587-7000.
Our Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants - Oakdale ObGyn
Oakdale ObGyn is committed to offering women experienced advanced practice providers who are dedicated to giving the care they need.