Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) | Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Main content start The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) function (“ERM Office”) is part of the Office of the Chief Risk Officer and is led by the University’s Chief Risk Officer. The ERM Office coordi...
Definition of Risk | Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Main content start Risk: The possibility that the occurrence of an event will adversely affect the achievement of the organization's objectives. At Stanford University, risks are categorized as fol...
Internal Audit | Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Main content start The mission of the Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO) is to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the operations of...
Our Charter | Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Mission The mission of Internal Audit (IA) is to provide risk-based independent and objective audit, assessment, advisory and investigative services designed to add value and improve the operations of...
Definition of Risk Level | Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Main content start Risk level: The risk level can be low, moderate or high. Each enterprise risk has a risk level based on the impact and likelihood ranking of the risk. The risk level provides the ba...
Purpose and Objectives | Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Purpose The purpose of ERM activities at Stanford University is to provide a comprehensive program to proactively manage the portfolio of what leadership collectively believes are the most critical ri...