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Odin's Volk »
Skip to content Home Odin’s Volk is an ethnic, spiritual and cultural informational rescource dedicated to the study, practice and advancement of the ancestral native religion of the Germanic tribes ...
- Odin's Volk »
Modern English - Ase, The Aesir are one of the two principal pantheons of Gods and Goddesses in the native Germanic religion. They include many of the major deities, such as Odin, Frigga, Thor, Bal...
Odin's Volk » Odin
Wednesday is named after him (Woden’s day). Odin is the chief divinity of the Germanic pantheon, the foremost of the Aesir, and unequivocally the most complex of all the Germanic Gods. Odin is a son ...
Odin's Volk » Virtues
The Asatru moral code of conduct is known as the Nine Noble Virtues of Asatru. The Nine Noble Virtues represent the distilled wisdom and ancient Germanic moral code gleaned from various ancient sourc...
Odin's Volk » Suggested Reading List
Skip to content [tab name=”Ancient Literature”] It is very important to read and be thoroughly familiarized with the ancient literature from which all modern Asatru books derive their source informat...