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Odom Health & Wellness | We are professional grade.
SUCCESS STORIES “The OHW weight loss program has folded into my life and routine instead of me stopping my life to step into the program. This is a change in life that I can handle. I’m not being some...
Wellness - Odom Health & Wellness
WELLNESS Wellness We offer a wide range of Wellness services at Odom Health & Wellness to provide opportunities for our patients to live a longer and more fulfilling life.
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Primary Care - Odom Health & Wellness
Make Odom Health and Wellness your primary care clinic. We offer compassionate care when you need it. Call today.
Services - Odom Health & Wellness
Regenerative MedicineMicro-Fragmented Adipose TissueMicro-fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT) Therapy. MFAT is a cutting edge technology that processes and then uses your own body fat to support areas o...
- Services - Odom Health & Wellness