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Office of General Counsel
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Office of General Counsel | Office of the General Counsel | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
One of the top legal enterprises in Pennsylvania, representing 35 executive and independent agencies across the Commonwealth.
OGC Attorneys | Office of the General Counsel | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Services Provided to Agencies | Office of the General Counsel | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Services Provided to Commonwealth Agencies The Office of General Counsel is committed to providing the Governor and the Executive Branch with expert, responsive, practical and cost-effective legal ser...
Office of General Counsel | Office of the General Counsel | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of General Counsel The Pennsylvania Governors Office of General Counsel (OGC) serves as the Governors in-house legal counsel, representing the Governor and his Cabinet in virtually every facet ...
Mediation Resources | Office of the General Counsel | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The .gov means its official. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "" or "" at ...